What You Should Know

Fall 2024 Update
The Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works has approached the community regarding improvements to Forked Creek to control stormwater runoff and improve water quality within the Magothy River Watershed. The intention is to reduce the amount of bank erosion by raising the stream bottom up to create shallow pools and connect the water to the surrounding floodplain.
The project is scheduled to begin in January 2025 and run through September 2025.
Construction access is proposed to be northwest of 1250 Viking Drive S. There will be heavy truck traffic during construction.
Specifically, "the project proposes to restore 2,550 linear feet of degraded stream channel and decommission a failing stormwater management pond. The stream is located across two areas: 650 feet begin at a stormwater outfall west of Viking Drive South and flow along the southwest side of Norton Lane, ending at an inlet behind 541 Norton Lane, and 1,900 feet begin at a stormwater outfall behind 534 Norton Lane and run behind the northeast side of Norton Lane. The primary goals of this project are to provide stability to the actively eroding stream channels, establish riparian wetlands, reconnect the stream to existing wetlands, improve the habitat and health of the local streams, and decommission a failing stormwater management pond."
The county's project page, the site plan, and pictures of the existing eroding stream, as well as examples of completed projects, are available at the links below: ​
County Project Page
Foxmoor Stream Restoration Site Plan
Examples of Current Erosion & Completed Projects
While the neighborhood will not incur any costs, there could be an inconvenience to the neighbors residing near the creek on Norton Lane and the Viking North cul-de-sac. The project manager will provide information and answer questions on the project at an upcoming HOA meeting, which will be held Tuesday, October 8th.
The three initial letters received by the HOA in 2019, a map showing a visual overview of where the study will be conducted, and DPW's responses to HOA questions, are available at the links below:


If you'd like to participate on a committee or would like to assist the HOA with future projects or initiatives, please email the board for more information. We could definitely use the help!

Updates to the community recreation lot basketball court are complete! The court has been expanded and refurbished. Please enjoy and be courteous to others using the court!
In March 2021, the board approved a budget of $20,000 for the project to cover the cost of repairing and expanding the court, and purchasing the two new basketball hoops. As this is considered a special project, funds from the community's financial reserves were used and no new or additional fees were required.